Stop Your Buzzing Brain In One Minute

Stop Your Buzzing Brain In One Minute

What do you do when your anxiety is rising but you just don’t have time to meditate for 30 minutes or take a yoga class? Are you busy in spite of your best intentions? Me too! Until the day when our lives are simple and perfect, we’ve got to weave in little breaks....
The Best Thing About Therapy

The Best Thing About Therapy

Has anyone told you to go therapy? In some circles that is a rude comment, but let me tell you why it might be a good idea. Here are just some of the ways I’ve seen profession counseling help someone like you and me.  Yes, therapists do go to therapy from time to...
Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month. It happens every year. But this year is different, isn’t it? The COVID-19 virus is hurting our mental and emotional health too.  Social distancing takes a toll on us. Are you staying home mostly? Staying home completely? It feels like...