Talking to a therapist online can make finding your way through this pandemic so much easier.
There’s a virus spreading “out there” and the news reports delivery scary changes every day. Medical and political leaders are working on it, but you don’t always trust them.
You’re trying to sensible. Practical. Are you acting more calm than you feel?
Not sure what to worry about first? You’re busy, but you’re more isolated than you like. Family and friends may be in the same boat, and farther away than is ideal right now.
And sleep? Well, you’re tired but your anxious brain has trouble settling down or staying asleep all night.
Help is here. Its time to take care of you. So you can keep taking care of them.
Have you considered online therapy?
With the rapidly changing response to COVID-19, are you feeling like you need support but don’t even want to consider going out, let alone to a new place?
Is your anxiety spiking with each news cycle?
Have you considered reaching out to a counselor before, but just haven’t known where to turn?
This is your chance to work with an exceptional therapist without the risk or hassle of leaving home.
I’ve been thinking about how to best support your mental health and now, also, physical health. Your health and wellbeing are very important to me.
Just as doctors are having to alter their systems for working with patients, I have had to take a look at my own therapy practice to decrease the risk for all clients coming into my office.
After much thought and research, I’ve decided that it is best for my clients, and for me, to do most of my sessions through video conference (teletherapy) rather than in-person, for awhile.
I have worked with zoom.com, a video conference platform, for about a year and a half. Many of my clients from outside of Denver meet with me weekly using teletherapy.
Now, with the increased pressure of children out of school, working from home, or avoiding social spaces video session can fill the gap.
I’m very confident that I can provide very good therapy this way. I can listen to your story. I can hear and feel where you are coming from, what you’ve been through. We can make sense of it together. Then I can teach you to ways to get through it, better than before.
You get the same amount of time, the same experienced, therapist as my in-person clients get.
Clients have reported feeling that teletherapy works for them! Its a great way to get therapy when in-person is not a viable option. Some even choose video sessions over in-person sessions.
All you need is a good internet connection, a desktop or laptop computer with a camera, and the willingness to show up!
Lisa Yaeger, LPC
(303) 225-9076